Apricity Sunday Dress + Red Cardigan

Will I ever get over this Apricity dress? No. No, I won't. It's one of the most perfect things I own, and I just may have bought another Apricity dress. I may have also sworn that I wasn't going to buy anymore clothes in an effort to save to save up for a new apartment. But hey, when one of your favorite brands offers a 50% off flash sale for one day, you don't pass that up. I would be doing a disservice to dress-loving girls everywhere if I passed up that deal. I don't want that responsibility, no sir. So I did it. And I stand by decision.

Of course, I wish I were happily wearing this dress and hanging out in my brother's neighbor's rose bushes while they're not looking, but I have to face the real world instead. I recently started applying for new jobs, and it's a hell hole out there. I've made my current job aware that I'm looking, which I was able to do so because my bosses are wonderful and understanding about me wanting to get out of customer service and into a more creative position. I only wish I could bring them with me to a different industry. The job market, as I'm sure you all well know, is the worst. I'm struggling to find something in my experience-level that pays more than $0, and even more so, I'm struggling to get anyone to respond to emails. So if any of you would like to hire me to write bad jokes and talk about pretty dresses, please get in touch with me. I will also accept payment in sandwiches and iced coffee.

As for my Frasier update, I just started the last season. Netflix asks me if I'm still watching more often than when I watch any other show. Back off, Netflix. I will binge watch through all 11 seasons of Frasier, and you can't stop me.

Dress: Apricity (similar)
Cardigan, shoes: thrifted
Sunglasses: Modcloth


  1. Job hunting is so stressful and hard- good luck! You are talented and a hard worker and a people person. People want to work with people like you!!!!

    Also- this dress is lovely and that red is a fantastic color on you!

  2. I totally understand... job hunting is the literal worst. You go through dozens and dozens of potential jobs but only one or two actually get back to you and even then you might not get the job. It's horrible :( I'm pretty much in the same boat, though I'm juggling school right now instead of a job. Dreading when I'll be done with classes cuz then I'll actually have to deal with reality.

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  3. Good luck. I like the red cardigan, a nice add of color :D
    Xx Blue Ducklings

  4. That dress looks amazing. It looks comfy, it's a great color, and a great shape. I love finding a perfect dress like that!
