Blue Door

I had to travel pretty far to get photos in front of this door.

Okay, not really. I've been driving by this apartment complex every day for a while now, and I just recently noticed how photo-worthy this door is. I was hoping to take pictures in front of it last week, but when it rained, I had to postpone. Luckily, I planned ahead this weekend and when I saw that it was supposed to rain on Sunday, I convinced Jon to help me on Saturday instead. He normally works Saturdays, but as luck would have it, he happened to have part of the day off this weekend. The photo gods were on my side. We actually went on a nice little walk to get here (read: I misjudged how far it was), and there happened to be a nice little walkway in front of it and zero people coming in and out. Like I said, the photo gods showed mercy. I may not be religious or be a big believer of fate, but come on. Good blog photo circumstances aren't always easy to come by. 

I scored this dress in the Ruche sale recently, and while I'm bummed that I didn't put on a belt before taking these, I'm really excited to add this to my wardrobe. I may or may not be impulsively shopping more than usual lately. Don't tell my mom. I'm not sure what's gotten into me, but I can't help myself. There are too many cute things on the Internet, too many sales, and too little time. ...seriously, don't tell my mom. If she asks, tell her that I'm being a responsible adult and putting all of my money in savings that's not going toward my rent or student loans. It's kind of true, I promise.

Also, a big congrats to Taylor and Maggie for winning the Feminist Resistance Giveaway! We raised over $600, mostly for Planned Parenthood, and many people set up monthly donations. It's so wonderful to see how many people are making a difference. 

As usual, I had a great weekend. I had a productive breakfast at my dad's restaurant on Saturday morning, played Adventure Time Munchkin with friends that night, and visited my friend Nicolette in Pasadena yesterday. Why did it have to end?

Dress: Ruche
Cardigan: Thrifted
Shoes: B.A.I.T

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