Not Enough Lace

Is there such a thing as too much lace? I choose to think not. I definitely didn't need this green lace dress, but I certainly didn't think twice about it when I picked it up at H&M during my Instagram takeover with Brea Mall. Had I been shopping with my own money, I might have taken a step back and thought about all of the other lace dresses I own in effort to convince myself that I should leave it at the store. However, with a free gift card in hand, it was almost too easy to throw it on the cashier's counter and make it mine. Although, if that story (of shopping on the mall's dime and throwing caution to the wind) sounds like fantasy, just know that the trip started with me getting a zipper stuck in the dressing room. Wait. I don't think you understand. In the very first store I went into that day, I got the zipper stuck on the very first thing I tried on. Really stuck. So stuck, in fact, that I had to ask the dressing room attendant (who was a dude) if there was a woman working who could help me because my friend hadn't gotten to the mall yet. If that story doesn't sum up most of my experiences, then I don't know what does. 

Side note: the last time I took pictures in front of this beautiful house, I got a few comments asking if I lived there. Sadly, I definitely do not. My brother and sister-in-law live in an adorable neighborhood, and Elyse and I have been wandering around the nearby streets lately to take photos. This house is right down the block from theirs, and it apparently sold for more than $1 million. We've yet to see who lives there, but it's possible that they've watched us take photos in front of their house multiple times. I'm pretty sure they couldn't blame us though.

I actually wore this outfit to see Jenny Lewis and Ryan Adams in concert last Thursday. As you'd expect, the show was amazing. When I saw Jenny Lewis last month, she only played a short set of about four songs maybe, so I was excited to see what she'd play this time. I knew she'd play a couple of Rilo Kiley songs if I was lucky, but I definitely wasn't expecting her to close the show with one, let alone my absolute favorite (and possibly my favorite song in general). So, yeah, I teared up when she played "With Arms Outstretched." That song really made me feel things when I listened to it on repeat in high school, but I never expected I'd get to hear it live. It was incredible, as was Ryan Adams. I've been too into Ryan Adam, but mostly because I've just never taken the time to listen to all of his music, other than a few songs. He was seriously fantastic live, and I'm definitely going to make it a point to listen to more of his music from now on.

My weekend was mostly filled with spending time with a bunch of friends. One of my good friends is in town visiting from Washington for a few days, so we've all been spending time together while he's here. We went to Harmontown yesterday, which was wonderful as usual. If you're wondering what my weekend was really like, just imagine me sitting in a friend's room, surrounded by about five guys, as everyone insults each other in between quoting movies. Jealous?

Dress, jacket, boots: H&M
Necklace: Forever 21


  1. What an amazing house! I think I will spend my first million on one just like it ;) I'm glad you didn't hesitate on this dress, it's cute, cute, cute and fits you oh-so-nicely! I think getting a zipper stuck makes for a good story and is totally worth a free shopping spree! I've had some borderline panic attacks trying to get out of items in the dressing room- but never had to call the attendant... yet!

  2. This dress is lovely! The green is so pretty on you and I love how yr all like "i'ma take photos in front of your house," I would be way too afraid? I don't know why. It is a beautiful house, but that's a lot of money. Insanity. Your dressing room horror story has happened to me (though not as bad) and it was AWFUL. Were you at a F21?

    I love "With Arms Outstretched" and I've been lucky enough to see it a few times! It is quite magical live! Actually, all of her songs are. When I saw her this year she also did "better son/daughter" and I lost my mind. Ryan Adams is one of my favs (you know this). He has a lot of great records and a lot of so-so records. With that said, Heartbreaker, Gold, Easy Tiger, and Love is Hell are some of the best. His song "Come Pick Me Up" makes me weep. So, there's that.

    I just really wish we could hang out.

  3. Oh, with a dress like that, it would be hard to resist the siren's call :)

  4. Oh no! That's so unfortunate about the zipper problem. I may have freaked out a little. I saw this dress at H&M the other day and was saying how pretty it is! I agree that you can never have too much lace. This dress is so pretty on you and I really like it styled with the jean jacket. Adorable!

    Jamie |

  5. I've had really weird things happen to me in dressing rooms too! I've actually had to practically rip a dress off me. Lol.... I feel ya girl. I love this dress though.... I think it looks amazing on you and I love the color and the fact that it's lace. I think it's great that you bought something a little out of the norm for you.... trying new things is the best!

  6. This shade of green is STUNNING on you, and I love how you paired this dress with more casual elements. I always have such a hard time making fancier dresses look less formal! And goodness, that house is gorgeous.

    xox Sammi

  7. I say, the more lace you have in your closet, the better! That dress is absolutely beautiful on you!!
    And ahh that dressing room story! That's happened to me before and I felt a small part of me die that day lol.

    So lucky to have seen Jenny Lewis. I'm sure she was amazing!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

  8. I have to say I absolutely LOVE this outfit, I would wear it exactly like this! Supercute dress, I love dark green, paired with a denim jacket and some ankle boots - perfect! <3

  9. You can never have too much lace!! This dress is a wonderful color! Great pick!
    Sincerely, Sara

  10. You look so lovely in this dress!!! :)

  11. Oh man, that zipper story sounds like something that would happen to me! And that house is lovely, regardless of whether you live there or not. :D

    Teal is such a great color. I'm loving it with lace.
