Red Top + Ballerina Skirt

Short post (as has often been the case lately) today, as I forgot to write this when I meant to. I've been busy working, doing holiday things, and most importantly, gearing up to go to Vegas this weekend. I am definitely not a Vegas kind of person, my parents offered their fancy time share right off the strip to me, my brother, and our significant others. While it's usually not my thing, it was hard to pass up a free room and a weekend away with some of my favorite people. They're the perfect group for me to go with, as none of us are into clubbing and all just want to drink, eat, people watch, and maybe see a show. I actually used to go to Vegas a lot as a kid when my parents would take me, but I haven't been back since I was 14, meaning that I've never actually been there while of drinking age. Wish me luck. 

Like most people, I definitely get caught up wearing darker colors once winter hits, but I'm trying to brighten it up every so often. Obviously a bright red top and a skirt covered in ballerinas is the way to go. I sure think so.

Current pop culture update: mourning the end of the first season of Westworld, finally binge watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, watching Search Party on my lunch breaks, still re-reading all of Harry Potter, and listening to a lot of podcasts. Favorite podcasts at the moment include Homecoming, Unqualified, Startup, Millenial, and all of my old stand-bys (The Nerdist, Doug Loves Movies, Comedy Bang Bang, WTF, etc.).

Top: Modcloth (dress worn as a top)
Skirt: Kling
Cardigan: Gap c/o ThredUp
Flats: Modcloth


  1. I can't wait to hear about your Vegas experience the Elana way! You guys will have a blast because when you're with your favorite people, it doesn't matter where you are! I am totally stuck wearing neutrals and dark colors right now. It's chic, but does make me miss my bright colors and prints. Love this skirt!

    ♥ perfectly Priya

  2. WESTWORLD- Omg, right?

    Anyway- Enjoy your trip!
