Old Favorites

By the time you read this, I'll be soaking up the wind (get it?) in Chicago. I'm at the Illinois College Press Association conference, where I'm attending sessions on journalism and hopefully seeing my newspaper win some awards tomorrow. The best part? The whole trip is paid for by the school. My staff got to take the train in, get to stay at a hotel right in the city, and we even get money for food. Sweet deal, right? Even better, we got in yesterday morning, but the conference doesn't start until this afternoon. That means we got a whole day to just spend in the city. Of course, I'm writing this before we left so I can't really say anything about the trip so far, but let's just assume that it's wonderful. Being a west coast girl, I still get giddy every time I get to visit Chicago, and this time is no exception. I live about four to five hours away, so it's not a difficult trip to make (especially on the train), but it's not something I get to do all that often. Knowing that this could be my last time in the city for a while (or at least my last free trip), I'm hoping to make the most out of this one. I'm also hoping to have plenty of photos to share, so look out for those soon. Plus, I get a couple of days to bond my friends and surround myself with journalists. You can't even imagine how much love getting to be a building full of people who love to talk about ledes and AP Style as much as I do. 

I wore this to work on Sunday, and while it's not my favorite outfit, it was still very "me." As I've said, I've been feeling pretty uninspired lately, so I decided to go back to some old pieces that I hadn't worn in some time. This dress and jacket haven't been seen much lately, but they'll always be favorites of mine. They're good reminders that I don't need to buy anything new when I already have so many great pieces. At least that's what I'm telling myself to keep from spending money. Here's to hoping that works while I'm in Chicago.

Dress: Buffalo Exchange
Jacket: Swapped
Boots: Cathy Jean
Arrow ring: c/o Born Pretty
Heart ring: Make Pie Not War


  1. hey girl, Happy Friday!! That sounds like such a fun trip, bonus that it's expenses paid hey-ohhh! I still haven't been to Chicago but I'm really hoping to go eventually, it's only an 8 hour drive from Nashville. I've been rotating old pieces through my closet lately too, ah, the never-ending struggle of not shopping more than you have to.

    I have to say: I love the pretty picture of your rings in the snow like that! Good thinking.

    Enjoy your trip!!

    ♥ perfectly PRIYA

  2. Ouu, what a wonderful trip! Especially since it's not on your dime hah. I've been to a few writing conferences, I loved all the ideas and assistance bouncing around! And lovely look. I always look to you for a pretty dress, a cozy top, and bad-ass boots!

  3. WHY DIDN'T I TAKE TODAY OFF???? Don't worry, Chicago, we'll be back before Elana graduates. I'll force her to go. She can't resist bikes, coffee shops and Illinois charm. And then she'll never leave because she'll just live there forever, within four hours of me. Like always.

    With love from Iowa,
    Copy Chief

  4. Yay for bonding and yay for seeing people you want! I hope you have a super awesome time over there. I still am trying to figure out what you mean by soaking up the wind hahaha. I'm slow, I guess? EXPLAIN TO ME PLS

    That dress is such a dreaaam! I especially adore the little peter pan collar. Details, yo!

  5. Hope your trip is an extra-blast! Sounds like it is off to a good start!

  6. Aw, I'm sure you must be having a total blast in Chi Town! I have only been once, but I loved every second of it. Definitely need to make another trip.

    It's a tough time of year to be inspired by our winter clothing, but I think you put together a cute outfit!

    xo Jackie
    Something About That

  7. What a pretty dress. The print is just lovely! And you look stunning with that gorgeous smile! I’d love for us to keep in touch via bloglovin’, GFC, or Instagram! Let me know on my blog, I’ll be sure to follow back!

    s a r t o r i a l d i n e r
    Instagram @ sartorialdiner

  8. Yay, enjoy your trip! Sounds like it's going to be a fun one, and can't wait to see the photos from it :)
    CUTE boots with your adorable dress <3

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  9. how generous of your school! that's pretty freakin rad! also congrats! saw on your insta you guys won mega awards!

    at this volume

  10. I love the way that green jacket looks with your girly dress. I really want a jacket like that! It's already starting to get warmer in Georgia though so I guess I wouldn't get much use out of it. Sad.
    Also I love Chicago. I hope you have an awesome time. I'm always so happy just walking around the city and seeing all the cool stuff. Plus I always find delicious food. It's a great city.

  11. Hope you're having fun in Chicago! Can't wait to see all the photos!

    This dress is so cute and I love the boots :)
